LinkedIn Premium adds a number of benefits to LinkedIn, like unlimited InMail messaging with LinkedIn users who aren’t in your personal network, access to online professional development courses, deeper insights into who is accessing your profile, and more.

On the other hand, it’s relatively expensive starting at $29.99 per month, so you may only want to subscribe while you are actively job hunting.

If you do cancel your Premium subscription, you’ll keep your Premium status through the end of the current billing cycle. After that, you’ll lose access to all premium features (like insights and InMail privileges) but keep all your connections and other aspects of the free LinkedIn service.

Here’s how to cancel LinkedIn Premium on your computer or an iPhone.

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How to cancel LinkedIn Premium in a web browser

1. Navigate to in a web browser.

2. Click "Me" at the top of the screen and click "Access My Premium" in the dropdown menu.

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Foto: Go to the LinkedIn Premium settings from the Me menu.sourceDave Johnson/Business Insider

3. In the Manage Premium account section, click "Cancel subscription."

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Foto: You can cancel Premium with a couple of clicks from a web browser.sourceDave Johnson/Business Insider

4. Click "Continue to cancel."

How to cancel LinkedIn Premium on an iPhone

Unfortunately, you can't cancel LinkedIn Premium using the mobile app on Android or iPhone - you need to use a browser on a desktop or laptop computer.

There is one exception - if you purchased your subscription to LinkedIn Premium through iTunes, you need to cancel it via iTunes as well. Here's how to do it.

1. Start the Settings app.

2. Tap your name at the top of the screen.

3. Tap "iTunes & App Store."

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Foto: To cancel a LinkedIn Premium account that was started in iTunes, you need to go to the iTunes page in Settings.sourceDave Johnson/Business Insider

4. Tap your Apple ID at the top of the screen and then tap "View Apple ID" in the pop-up window. You might need to enter a passcode or use Face ID or Touch ID.

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Foto: To view your Apple ID settings, you will need to enter a password or use Face ID.sourceDave Johnson/Business Insider

5. Tap "Subscriptions."

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Foto: All of your iTunes subscriptions can be found here.sourceDave Johnson/Business Insider

6. Tap "LinkedIn."

7. Tap "Cancel Subscription" and then confirm your choice.

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